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We Can Help Choose the Hospice Right for You

The links at the bottom of this page are to the “How To Choose” page from the Hospice Foundation of America’s website.

To Use the Patient’s Medicare Part a Hospice Benefit

  • Have a referral from the patient’s primary care physician for hospice care.
  • The physician may make one or more suggestions for hospice agencies.
  • The patient or family may select any hospice agency. They have no obligation to use an agency the doctor suggests. Most patients wish to continue with their current nurses if at all possible. In choosing a hospice, care plan will shift to the hospice medical director.

As described on the links below, any hospice agency you contact should be willing to discuss their services over the phone, or by sending a representative to meet the family and patient. There should be no charge for this visit or discussion.

Can prescriptions be delivered to the patient:
1) On the same day requested?
2) If necessary, and on the day of admission?
3) Same day if they do not have any?

Absolute Hospice does. All three answers should be “Yes”, or seek another hospice.

Contact Absolute Hospice to Learn More

At Absolute Hospice, we believe the questions listed above, and all the right answers will lead you to contact us to entrust your loved one to our care. To start the process, we need a hospice referral from your loved one’s doctor or primary care physician. Do call us, please.

Every patient and their comfort matters to us. Choose Absolute Hospice, When Care Matters.

To learn more about Absolute Hospice and to see whether hospice is the right answer for you or a loved one, please call at 409-440-8199

Contact Us Today to Get Started